Qt Extended Package Descriptor and Web Page
For every package offered for download a Qt Extended package descriptor file must be provided. These files contain meta-data about the package which includes a URL indicating the package download location. The mkPackages script is used to generate descriptor file, further details can be found here.
The link on the web page points to the descriptor file and is processed by the PackageManager which extracts the URL and, upon confirmation by the user, downloads and installs the package.
Web Server Configuration
For the browser to detect the Qt Extended package descriptor the web server must set the appropriate mime type (application/qtopia-package) in the HTTP header for that file. This means that on the web server a new mime type mapping must be configured for the extension of the Qt Extended package descriptor, which is *.qpd.
The following table describes the mime type mapping for two common browsers:
Browser | Mapping Instructions |
Apache 2 | Edit the mime.types file, usually found under /etc/apache2 Append a line containing: application/qtopia-package qpd
- Add mime entries to the following registry location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\InetInfo\Parameters\MimeMap by opening the MimeMap key and choosing Edit Value or Add Value.
- The mime information must be placed in the Value Name box.
- The data type for the entry must be set to REG_SZ and the string field is left blank.