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Qt Mobility Project APIs (Technology Preview) Overview

Qt Mobility Project delivers a set of new APIs to Qt with features that are well known from the mobile device world, in particular phones. However, these APIs allow the developer to use these features with ease from one framework and apply them to phones, netbooks and non-mobile personal computers. The framework not only improves many aspects of a mobile experience, because it improves the use of these technologies, but has applicability beyond the mobile device arena.


Introducing the New Qt APIs

This release contains the following APIs:

Bearer ManagementAn API to control the system's connectivity state.
ContactsAn API enabling clients to request contact data from local or remote backends.
LocationThe Location API provides a library for distributing and receiving location data using arbitrary data sources.
MessagingThe Messaging API enables access to messaging services.
MultimediaProvides a set of APIs to play and record media, and manage a collection of media content.
Publish and SubscribeThe Publish and Subscribe API, containing Value Space, enables applications to read item values, navigate through and subscribe to change notifications.
Qt Service FrameworkA set of Qt APIs to that allows clients to discover and instantiate arbitrary services.
System InformationA set of APIs to discover system related information and capabilities.

These APIs give the developer a wide range of desirable functions for a mobile platform, but these now become possible on platforms not traditionally associated with some of the features. A mobile device using the Qt Mobility Project API would be able to

  • Locate services on-board or remotely. Find an optimal connection to the network for the particular service.
  • Services built on top of these APIs would include Internet applications such as email and web browsing.
  • Multimedia features enable image and video capture with audio , audio recording, and the playing of music or video clips. However, camera ability is not part of this release.
  • Location will make the device aware of its geographical location to support GIS applications.
  • Publish-Subscribe enables communication between separate objects whether local or remote to the device.

The New Qt APIs deliver to developers an enabling package. It will be used by developers to build a variety of applications and services that are mobile capable or familiar to mobile users, irrespective of whether the platform is mobile or not. This means that there is the possibility of easy transfer of user experience from PC to phone or vice versa.

Getting Started

To get started with Qt Mobility see the

For users on the supported Symbian platforms, shown at the bottom of this page, see the instructions at the Qt For Symbian Developer's Library

Known Issues

For a list of known issues and an additional details on feature supported see Release Notes of the QtMobility Project (Technology Preview).

For a overview of Platform Compatability see Platform Compatability.

The New Qt APIs

Bearer Management

Although not a network manager, this component manages the connectivity state to the network. So it does not manage network configurations, which are the role of the platform provider, but it does allow the user to start or stop network interfaces. Some higher level management of the connection session may also be possible as well depending on the platform.

Some platforms can have a set of grouped access points perhaps based on a common purpose. Bearer Management allows comparison and prioritization of the access and use of these points.

The aim of Bearer Management is to reduce the need for the developer to be concerned about trying to locate the best connection from a list of possible IP bearers and 3G connections. The user can select the best or it can be selected transparently so that WLAN roaming can occur seemlessly.

Some examples of the Bearer Management functionality,

  • On demand use of the appropriate Access Point. When a user starts to use a browser, the appropriate access point is selected from those available and a connection is transparently made.
  • Always-on applications such as email or IM roam automatically between cellular packet data and WLAN networks. The application developer is in control and for example the application can gracefully close TCP connections over the old bearer after setting up new TCP connections over the new bearer.
  • Application developer can create a settings user interface, where the user can select a certain connection to be used with the application
  • A connection manager application can be implemented with Qt. This application enumerates available connections, shows counters, and allows the user to connect or disconnect

For more details, see the Bearer Management API overview.


The structure and retrieval of contact data from local or remote backends. It includes the ability to create, edit, list, delete and lookup contact information whether it is stored locally or remotely.

For more details, see the Contacts API overview.

Publish and Subscribe

Will enable context sensitive access to information in future releases. Data is organized as a tree, with data being able to 'shadow' other data with the 'same key', a string specifying the leaf or node. The context is an example of a context ontology, a defined set of relationships. As the context changes the values of the objects change but the relationships remain the same. It is intended to be an enabling technology, the basis of a range future applications.

At this stage the API is intended to act as a common communications method between applications, whether local or remote.

For more details, see the Publish and Subscribe API overview.


The C++ API is one layer of this feature. This API provides an easy to use interface that encapsulates basic geographical information obtained from satellite or other sources about the user, including latitude and longitude, bearing, speed and altitude. It will enable a range of geographical applications, for example, maps.

For more details, see the Location API overview.


A common interface for handling SMS, MMS, MIME Email and TNEF Email messages. Enables access to messaging services to search and sort messages, notify of changes to messages stored, send messages with or without attachments, retrieve message data, and launch the preferred messaging client to either display an existing message, or compose a message.

For more details see the Messaging API overview.


An API to play audio and video of various formats. Record audio. The playing and managing of an FM radio. This includes the typical functionality you would find on a music and video player, combined with an FM radio.

Support for a camera is available in this release as a technology preview which we are glad to present to the community.

For more details see the Multimedia API overview.

Service Framework

A platform independent method of finding Services. A 'service' is an independent component that allows a client to perform a well-defined operation.

The services are implemented as plugins installed on the device and can look for supporting external services running on a central server. E.g. weather, local tourist attractions etc. Default applications can use the layer to locate servers.

Since this is an abstraction layer then the app does not need to be concerned with the underlying protocol, where the servers are, the hardware peculiarities with networking and other low level details.

For more details see the Service Framework API overview.

System Information

An API to discover system related information and capabilities. Information available will cover software version numbers, hardware features, network connection types and status, display, data storage devices, device information and the screensaver.

For more details see the System Information API overview.

Future Additions

Two additional APIs are included which show future additional APIs. These are pre-release versions and the API will likely change before they are officially released. You may use these APIs in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying this package.

We are making these available so that developers can see that future updates will not only refine the API but add important features. We are proud of the work we have done on this project and want to show not only what we are delivering now but what is around the corner.

Versit is an API for managing Versit documents, such as vCards.

Camera will be a part of the Multimedia API.

Platform Compatability

Color Explanation
Support for the API on the platform is included and is functionally complete.
Support for the API on the platform is being worked on by Nokia however it is not functionally complete.
Support for the API on the platform is being worked on by Nokia. At this point it is far from functionally complete or there is no code at all included in the current release.
Support for the API on the platform is not being worked on by Nokia. It is possible for others to implement and integrate support.

S60 3rd Edition, Feature Pack 1 S60 3rd Edition, Feature Pack 2 S60 5th Edition Maemo 5 Maemo 6 Windows CE/Mobile Windows XP/Vista Linux Mac OS X Other
Service Framework (in-process)
Messaging Using MAPI and Pocket Outlook Object Model Using MAPI and Outlook Using QMF
Bearer Management
Publish and Subscribe
Location NMEA data provider support
Multimedia GStreamer
System Information

Feedback and bug reports

Email any inquiries and feedback about Qt Mobility to

And please report any bugs you may find to


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