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QServicePluginInterface Class Reference

The QServicePluginInterface class defines the interface that every plug-in based service must implement. More...

    #include <QServicePluginInterface>

Public Functions

virtual QObject * createInstance ( const QServiceInterfaceDescriptor & descriptor, QServiceContext * context, QAbstractSecuritySession * securitySession ) = 0
virtual void installService ()
virtual void uninstallService ()

Detailed Description

The QServicePluginInterface class defines the interface that every plug-in based service must implement.

Member Function Documentation

QObject * QServicePluginInterface::createInstance ( const QServiceInterfaceDescriptor & descriptor, QServiceContext * context, QAbstractSecuritySession * securitySession )   [pure virtual]

Creates a new instance of the service specified by descriptor. The service may use the given context and securitySession. context and securitySession object are owned by the client of the service.

This function returns a null pointer if the plug-in doesn't support the given descriptor.

void QServicePluginInterface::installService ()   [virtual]

This function is called by QServiceManager as part of the service registration process. It can be used to initialize the environment or the creation of external settings files which may be required during the execution of the service.

The default implementation for this function does nothing.

See also QServiceManager::addService().

void QServicePluginInterface::uninstallService ()   [virtual]

This function is called bu QServiceManager as part of the deregistration process for services. This gives the service the possibility to perform cleanup operations such as the removal of setting files on the hard drive.

The default implementation for this function does nothing.

See also QServiceManager::removeService().

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