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QMessageDataComparator Namespace Reference

The QMessageDataComparator namespace contains types used in specifying the comparison of MessageStore objects with user-defined values. More...

    #include <QMessageDataComparator>


enum EqualityComparator { Equal, NotEqual }
enum InclusionComparator { Includes, Excludes }
enum MatchFlag { MatchCaseSensitive, MatchFullWord }
flags MatchFlags
enum RelationComparator { LessThan, LessThanEqual, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqual }

Detailed Description

The QMessageDataComparator namespace contains types used in specifying the comparison of MessageStore objects with user-defined values.

Type Documentation

enum QMessageDataComparator::EqualityComparator

Defines the comparison operations that can be used to compare data elements of QMessageManager objects for equality and inequality.

QMessageDataComparator::Equal0Represents the '==' operator.
QMessageDataComparator::NotEqual1Represents the '!=' operator.

enum QMessageDataComparator::InclusionComparator

Defines the comparison operations that can be used to compare data elements of QMessageManager objects for inclusion or exclusion.

QMessageDataComparator::Includes0Represents an operation in which an associated property is tested to determine whether it includes a value.
QMessageDataComparator::Excludes1Represents an operation in which an associated property is tested to determine whether it is equal to the supplied value.

enum QMessageDataComparator::MatchFlag
flags QMessageDataComparator::MatchFlags

This enum describes additional matching criteria when performing a search.

QMessageDataComparator::MatchCaseSensitiveQt::MatchCaseSensitiveThe key should be case sensitive. Not supported on QMF platform.
QMessageDataComparator::MatchFullWord128The key should only match a complete word. Not supported on Windows and QMF platforms.

The MatchFlags type is a typedef for QFlags<MatchFlag>. It stores an OR combination of MatchFlag values.

enum QMessageDataComparator::RelationComparator

Defines the comparison operations that can be used to compare data elements of QMessageManager objects, according to a specific relation.

QMessageDataComparator::LessThan0Represents the '<' operator.
QMessageDataComparator::LessThanEqual1Represents the '<=' operator.
QMessageDataComparator::GreaterThan2Represents the '>' operator.
QMessageDataComparator::GreaterThanEqual3Represents the '>= operator'.

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