Detailed Description
The QMessageAccountSortOrder class defines the parameters used for sorting a subset of queried accounts from the messaging store.
A QMessageAccountSortOrder is composed of a account property to sort and a sort order. The QMessageAccountSortOrder class is used in conjunction with the QMessageManager::queryAccounts() function to sort account results according to the criteria defined by the sort order.
Member Function Documentation
QMessageAccountSortOrder::QMessageAccountSortOrder ()
Create a QMessageAccountSortOrder with specifying matching parameters.
A default-constructed sort order (one for which isEmpty() returns true) sorts no accounts.
The result of combining an empty sort order with a non-empty sort order is the same as the original non-empty sort order.
The result of combining two empty sort orders is an empty sort order.
QMessageAccountSortOrder::QMessageAccountSortOrder ( const QMessageAccountSortOrder & other )
Constructs a copy of other.
QMessageAccountSortOrder::~QMessageAccountSortOrder () [virtual]
Destroys the sort order.
QMessageAccountSortOrder QMessageAccountSortOrder::byName ( Qt::SortOrder order = Qt::AscendingOrder ) [static]
Returns an sort order that sorts accounts by name, according to order.
See also QMessageAccount::name().
bool QMessageAccountSortOrder::isEmpty () const
Returns true if the sort order remains empty after default construction; otherwise returns false.
bool QMessageAccountSortOrder::isSupported () const
Returns true if the sort order is supported on the current platform; otherwise returns false.