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QML MessageModel Element

The MessageModel element provides access to messages. More...

  • List of all members, including inherited members
  • Properties



    Detailed Description

    This element is part of the QtMobility.messaging 1.1 module.

    MessageModel provides a model of messages from the message store. The contents of the model can be specified via a filter, and sorted via the sortBy and sortOrder properties. The model is automatically updated if the contents of the store change.

    The following roles are supported by the model:


    Note: since the body can be large and may need to be fetched from the server it is recommended that viewing the body be a user action, and the body role not be bound to until needed. If the body has not yet been downloaded, it will be requested. body will remain undefined until it has been retrieved.

    The ready role is true if the message meta data has been retrieved; otherwise false. Since MessageModel threaded, all messages are initially not ready, and will become ready once the data is available.

    The following example displays the subject, sender and date of all messages sorted in descending order by timestamp:

     import Qt 4.7
     import QtMobility.messaging 1.1
     Rectangle {
         width: 320
         height: 480
         ListView {
             id: list
             anchors.fill: parent
             model: MessageModel {
                 sortBy: MessageModel.Timestamp
                 sortOrder: MessageModel.DescendingOrder
             delegate: Item {
                 id: wrapper
                 height: 32; width: list.width
                 Text { id: subjText; text: subject; font.pixelSize: 13; x: 3 }
                 Text {
                     text: sender; color: "gray"; font.pixelSize: 9
                     x: 3; width: parent.width-100;
            subjText.bottom; anchors.topMargin: 3
                     elide: Text.ElideRight
                 Text {
                     text: date; color: "gray"; font.pixelSize: 9
                     anchors.right: parent.right
            subjText.bottom; anchors.topMargin: 3

    See also MessageFilter.

    Property Documentation

    read-onlycount : int

    Holds the number of messages matching the filter.

    If limit is set then there will be at most limit messages.

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.1.

    filter : MessageFilter

    The MessageFilter specifying the messages to provide.

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.1.

    limit : int

    Holds the maximum number of messages to retrieve.

    A value of zero (default) will retrieve all messages.

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.1.

    sortBy : enumeration

    Specifies the role to sort by:

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.1.

    sortOrder : enumeration

    Specifies the sort order:

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.1.

    Signal Documentation

    MessageModel::messageAdded ()

    This handler is called when a message that matches the filter criteria is added to the store. The model will be updated shortly and will include the new message.

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.1.

    Method Documentation

    MessageModel::removeMessage ( index )

    Remove the message at index from the mail store and the originating server (if applicable).

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.1.

    MessageModel::showMessage ( index )

    Displays the message at index using the system message client.

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.1.

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