QML AudibleReminder Element | The AudibleReminder element contains information about an audible reminder of an item. |
QML ChangeLogFilter Element | The ChangeLogFilter element provides a filter based around a organizer item timestamp criterion. |
QML Collection Element | The Collection element represents a collection of items in an organizer manager. |
QML CollectionFilter Element | The CollectionFilter element provides a filter based around a list of organizer item ids. |
QML Comment Element | The Comment element contains the comment text of an organizer item. |
QML Description Element | The Description element contains the description text of an organizer item. |
QML Detail Element | The Detail element represents a single, complete detail about a organizer item. |
QML DetailFilter Element | The DetailFilter element provides a filter based around a detail value criterion. |
QML DetailRangeFilter Element | The DetailRangeFilter element provides a filter based around a detail value range criterion. |
QML DisplayLabel Element | The DisplayLabel element contains the display label of an organizer item. |
QML EmailReminder Element | The EmailReminder element contains information about an email reminder of an item. |
QML Event Element | The Event element provides an event in time which may reoccur. |
QML EventOccurrence Element | The EventOccurrence element provides an occurrence of an event. |
QML EventTime Element | The EventTime element contains the start and end dates and times of a recurring event series, or occurrence of an event. |
QML FetchHint Element | The FetchHint element provides hints to the manager about which organizer item information needs to be retrieved in an asynchronous fetch request or a synchronous function call. |
QML Filter Element | The Filter element is used as a property of OrganizerModel, to allow selection of organizer items which have certain details or properties. |
QML Guid Element | The Guid element contains the GUID string of an organizer item. |
QML IdFilter Element | The IdFilter element provides a filter based around a list of organizer item ids. |
QML IntersectionFilter Element | The IntersectionFilter element provides a filter which intersects the results of other filters. |
QML InvalidFilter Element | the InvalidFilter element provides a filter which will never match any organizer items. |
QML Journal Element | The Journal element provides a journal which is associated with a particular point in time. |
QML JournalTime Element | The JournalTime element contains the entry date and time of a journal item. |
QML Location Element | The Location element contains information about a location which is related to the organizer item in some manner. |
QML Note Element | The Note element provides a note which is not associated with any particular point in time. |
QML OrganizerItem Element | The OrganizerItem element represents the in-memory version of a calendar organizer item, and has no tie to a specific backend calendar store. |
QML OrganizerModel Element | The OrganizerModel element provides access to organizer items from the organizer store. |
QML Parent Element | The Parent element contains information about the event or todo that generated this item. |
QML Priority Element | The Priority element contains the priority of the organizer item, which may be used to resolve scheduling conflicts. |
QML Recurrence Element | The Recurrence element contains a list of rules and dates on which the recurrent item occurs, and a list of rules and dates on which exceptions occur. |
QML RecurrenceRule Element | The RecurrenceRule element represents a rule by which a organizer item repeats. |
QML Reminder Element | The Reminder element contains information about when and how the user wants to reminded of the item. |
QML SortOrder Element | The SortOrder element defines how a list of organizer item should be ordered according to some criteria. |
QML Tag Element | The Tag element contains the tag string of an organizer item. |
QML Timestamp Element | The Timestamp element contains the created and last modified timestamp of an organizer item's creating date and time. |
QML Todo Element | The Todo element provides a task which should be completed. |
QML TodoOccurrence Element | The TodoOccurrence element provides an occurrence of an event. |
QML TodoProgress Element | The TodoProgress element contains information about the progress of a todo item. |
QML TodoTime Element | The TodoTime element contains the start and due dates and times of a recurring todo series, or occurrence of an todo item. |
QML Type Element | The Type element contains the type string of an organizer item. |
QML UnionFilter Element | The UnionFilter element provides a filter which unions the results of other filters. |
QML VisualReminder Element | The VisualReminder element contains information about a visual reminder of an item. |