Qt Quick 3D Helpers QML Types▲
This module provides helper types that make it easier to develop applications using Qt Quick 3D.
AxisHelper: Visual helper for showing the 3 axes and a grid in a 3D scene.
DebugView: View to show rendering statistics and perform debug and developer actions.
ExtendedSceneEnvironment: A SceneEnvironment providing commonly used rendering effects.
GridGeometry: A custom geometry provider for rendering grids.
HeightFieldGeometry: A height field geometry.
InfiniteGrid: Shows an infinite grid.
InstanceModel: Defines a data model based on an instance table.
InstanceRange: Specifies a range for RandomInstancing.
InstanceRepeater: Instantiates components based on an instance table.
LodManager: Manager that handles level of detail visibility changes.
LookAtNode: A helper node that is automatically kept pointing at another node.
OrbitCameraController: Camera Controller which rotates around an origin.
ProceduralSkyTextureData: Generates an HDR skybox cubemap.
RandomInstancing: Generates a random instancing table.
WasdController: Control node position and orientation with keys and mouse.