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Qt Quick 3D QML Types

Provides the QML types to include 3D items into a Qt Quick scene.

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Qt Quick 3D QML Types

This is the QML frontend for using the spatial renderer and scenegraph. For the time being, all 3D content goes through offscreen textures (FBO)s so that they can be composed into Qt Quick scenes (as a QQuickItem).

Import the QtQuick3D module with the following statement:

import QtQuick3D

QtQuick3D QML Types

  • BakedLightmap: Specifies baked lightmap settings for a model.

  • Bounds: Specifies the bounds of a model.

  • Buffer: Creates or references a color buffer to be used for a pass of an Effect.

  • BufferInput: Defines an input buffer to be used as input for a pass of an Effect.

  • Camera: Defines an abstract base for Cameras.

  • Command: Supertype of commands to be performed as part of a pass in an Effect.

  • CubeMapTexture: Defines a cube map texture for use in 3D scenes.

  • CustomCamera: Defines a Camera with a custom projection matrix.

  • CustomMaterial: Base component for creating custom materials used to shade models.

  • DebugSettings: Used to configure debug settings.

  • DefaultMaterial: Lets you define a material for 3D items using the specular/glossiness workflow.

  • DirectionalLight: Defines a directional light in the scene.

  • Effect: Base component for creating a post-processing effect.

  • FileInstancing: Allows reading instance tables from file.

  • Fog: Specifies fog settings for a scene.

  • FrustumCamera: Defines a PerspectiveCamera with a custom frustum.

  • Geometry: Base type for custom geometry.

  • InstanceList: Allows manually specifying instancing in QML.

  • InstanceListEntry: Specifies an instance in an InstanceList.

  • Instancing: Base type for instance tables.

  • Joint: Defines a node in a skeletal animation hierarchy.

  • Light: An uncreatable abstract base type for all lights.

  • Lightmapper: Specifies lightmap baking settings for a scene.

  • Loader3D: Allows dynamic loading of a 3D subtree from a URL or Component.

  • Material: Abstract base type providing functionality common to materials.

  • Model: Lets you load a 3D model data.

  • MorphTarget: Defines the properties of a morph target.

  • Node: The base component for an object that exists in a 3D scene.

  • Object3D: Abstract base type of all 3D nodes and resources.

  • OrthographicCamera: Defines an Camera with an orthographic projection matrix.

  • Pass: Defines a render pass in an Effect.

  • PerspectiveCamera: Defines a Perspective Camera for viewing the content of a 3D scene.

  • PickResult: Contains the results of a pick.

  • PointLight: Defines a point light in the scene.

  • PrincipledMaterial: Lets you define a material for 3D items using the metal/roughness workflow.

  • Quaternion: Provides utility functions for quaternion.

  • QuaternionAnimation: A PropertyAnimation for quaternions.

  • ReflectionProbe: Defines a reflection probe in the scene.

  • RenderStats: Provides information of the scene rendering.

  • Repeater3D: Instantiates a number of Node-based components using a provided model.

  • ResourceLoader: Allows pre-loading of 3D resources.

  • SceneEnvironment: Lets you configure how a scene is rendered.

  • SetUniformValue: Defines a value to be set during a single pass.

  • Shader: Container component for defining shader code used by post-processing effects.

  • Skeleton: Defines a skeletal animation hierarchy.

  • Skin: Defines a skinning animation.

  • SpecularGlossyMaterial: Lets you define a material for 3D items using the specular/glossiness workflow.

  • SpotLight: Defines a spot light in the scene.

  • Texture: Defines a texture for use in 3D scenes.

  • TextureData: Base type for custom texture data.

  • TextureInput: Specifies a texture exposed to the shaders of a CustomMaterial or Effect.

  • View3D: Provides a viewport on which to render a 3D scene.

QtQuick3D.Helpers QML Types

Import the QtQuick3D.Helpers module with the following statement:

import QtQuick3D.Helpers

QtQuick3D.AssetUtils QML Types

Import the QtQuick3D.AssetUtils module with the following statement:

import QtQuick3D.AssetUtils

QtQuick3D.Particles3D QML Types

Import the QtQuick3D.Particles3D module with the following statement:

import QtQuick3D.Particles3D

Obsolete QML Types

QML Types with Obsolete Properties or Methods

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