Getting Started with Qt DesignerThis manual covers the fundamental steps that most users will take when creating graphical user interfaces with Qt Designer. We will introduce the main features of the tool by creating a simple dialog that we can use in an example program. ![]() Launching DesignerThe way that you launch Qt Designer depends on your platform:
The User InterfaceWhen used as a standalone application, Qt Designer's user interface can be configured to provide either a multi-window user interface (the default mode), or it can be used in workbench mode. When used from within an integrated development environment (IDE) only the multi-window user interface is available. In multi-window mode, you can arrange each of the tool windows to suit your working style. The main window consists of a menu bar, a tool bar, and a widget box that contains the widgets you can use to create your user interface.
Most features of Qt Designer are accessible via the menu bar, the tool bar, or the widget box. Some features are also available through context menus that can be opened over the form windows. On most platforms, the right mouse button is used to open context menus.
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