Document StructureThe document structuring commands are for dividing your document into sections. QDoc supports six kinds of sections: \part, \chapter, \section1, \section2, \section3 and \section4. The \section1..4 commands are the most useful. The correspond to the traditional section, subsection, etc used in outlining. \partThe \part command is intended for use in a large document, like a book. In general a document structuring command considers everything that follows it until the first line break as its argument. The argument is rendered as the unit's title. If the title needs to be spanned over several lines, make sure that each line (except the last one) is ended with a backslash. In total, there are six levels of sections in QDoc: \part, \chapter, \section1, \section2, \section3 and \section4. \section1 to \section4 correspond to the traditional section, subsection, subsubsection and subsubsubsection. There is a strict ordering of the section units: part | chapter | section1 | section2 | section3 | section4 For example, a section1 unit can only appear as the top level section or inside a chapter unit. Skipping a section unit, for example from part to section1, is not allowed. You can begin with either of the three: part, chapter or section1. / *! \part Basic Qt This is the first part. \chapter Getting Started This is the first part's first chapter. \section1 Hello Qt This is the first chapter's first section. \section1 Making Connections This is the first chapter's second section. \section1 Using the Reference Documentation This is the first chapter's third section. \chapter Creating Dialogs This is the first part's second chapter. \section1 Subclassing QDialog This is the second chapter's first section. ... \part Intermediate Qt This is the second part. \chapter Layout Management This is the second part's first chapter. \section1 Basic Layouts This is the first chapter's first section. ... * / QDoc renders this as:
Each section is a logical unit in the document. The section heading appears in the automatically generated table of contents that normally appears in the upper righthand corner of the page. \chapterThe \chapter command is intended for use in larger documents, and divides the document into chapters. See \part for an explanation of the various section units, command argument and rendering. \section1The \section1 command starts a new section. See \part for an explanation of the various section units, command argument and rendering. \section2The \section2 command starts a new section. See \part for an explanation of the various section units, command argument and rendering. \section3The \section3 command starts a new section. See \part for an explanation of the various section units, command argument and rendering. \section4The \section4 command starts a new section. See \part for an explanation of the various section units, command argument and rendering. |
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