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C++ Specific Configuration Variables

The C++ specific configuration variables are provided to avoid erroneous documentation due to non-standard C++ constructs.


The Cpp.ignoredirectives variable makes QDoc ignore the specified non-standard constructs, within C++ source code.

If not specified by the Cpp.ignoretokens or Cpp.ignoredirectives variables, non-standard constructs (typically macros) can result in erroneous documentation.

In qt.qdocconf:

 Cpp.ignoredirectives = Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE \
                        Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS \
                        Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE \
                        Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC \
                        Q_DISABLE_COPY \
                        Q_DUMMY_COMPARISON_OPERATOR \
                        Q_ENUMS \
                        Q_FLAGS \
                        Q_INTERFACES \

makes sure that when processing the code below, for example, QDoc will simply ignore the 'Q_ENUMS' and 'Q_FLAGS' expressions:

     class Q_CORE_EXPORT Qt {
         Q_ENUMS(Orientation TextFormat BackgroundMode
                 DateFormat ScrollBarPolicy FocusPolicy
                 ContextMenuPolicy CaseSensitivity
                 LayoutDirection ArrowType)


The Q_OBJECT macro, however, is an exception: QDoc recognizes this particular non-standard construct, so there is no need specifying it using the Cpp.ignoredirectives variable.

Regarding the Q_CORE_EXPORT macro; see the documentation of the Cpp.ignoretokens variable.

See also Cpp.ignoretokens.


The Cpp.ignoretokens variable makes QDoc ignore the specified non-standard constructs, within C++ source code.

If not specified by the Cpp.ignoretokens or Cpp.ignoredirectives variables, non-standard constructs (typically macros) can result in erroneous documentation.

In qt.qdocconf:

 Cpp.ignoretokens = QAXFACTORY_EXPORT \
                    QM_EXPORT_CANVAS \
                    Q_COMPAT_EXPORT \
                    Q_CORE_EXPORT \
                    Q_EXPLICIT \
                    Q_EXPORT \

makes sure that when processing the code below, for example, QDoc will simply ignore the 'Q_CORE_EXPORT' expression:

     class Q_CORE_EXPORT Qt {
         Q_ENUMS(Orientation TextFormat BackgroundMode
                 DateFormat ScrollBarPolicy FocusPolicy
                 ContextMenuPolicy CaseSensitivity
                 LayoutDirection ArrowType)

Regarding the Q_OBJECT, Q_ENUMS and Q_FLAGS macros; see the documentation of the Cpp.ignoredirectives variable.

See also Cpp.ignoredirectives.

Cette page est une traduction d'une page de la documentation de Qt, écrite par Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). Les éventuels problèmes résultant d'une mauvaise traduction ne sont pas imputables à Nokia. Qt 5.0-snapshot
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